Sunday, November 18, 2007

OpenJFX - an open source JavaFX Community


The OpenJFX project is a community to share early versions of JFX Scripting Language and collaborate develops the scripting language.

There is a plan to open source JFX code in near future.

What is Java FX?

JavaFx is new product from Sun for developing high impact Rich Internet applications in Java technology. This product is targeting Rich Internet Applications market and supposes to be one of the best products for constructing enterprise grade RI applications.

Features of JavaFX Scripting Language:

  • JavaFx Script is a declarative, statically typed programming language
  • It has first-class functions, declarative syntax, list-comprehensions, and incremental dependency-based evaluation.
  • JavaFx Scripts can make direct calls to Java API's that are on the platform
  • Can be used to deliver dynamic Interactive content on Any Device
  • Can be used to write one and run anywhere applications

So, get ready to learn JavaFx to develop next generation Rich Internet applications. I will post more tutorials and examples in near future.

Open JFx project home page:


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