Sunday, December 9, 2007

Atlassian releases Crowd 1.2

Atlassian has just announced the release of Crowd 1.2. Atlassoan Crowd 1.2 is the latest version of the single sign-on and OpenID application. This release gives system administrators greater control over user permissions and additional features for use with OpenID, working with Subversion, Acegi, and more.

Crowd's new directory permissions allow finer-grained control, so that permissions can be defined per application.

Other new features in Crowd 1.2 include:

* Directory permissions per application, allowing for groups, principals and roles to be added, modified or deleted
* Group and role membership browser that includes tabs to show all principals belonging to a group
* Improved browser for OpenID that allows for easier viewing
* NTLM Support allowing users to simply log in to their desktop to access Atlassian JIRA and Atlassian Confluence
* Group-based authorization added for Subversion
* New Importer for Atlassian Bamboo Users that allows administrators to copy Bamboo users into a Crowd directory
* Acegi support authentication support with SSO.
* AppFuse 2 integration support.


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