Sunday, December 9, 2007

JBoss Releases JSF Testing Tool - JSFUnit 1.0 Beta 1

JBoss Releases JSF Testing Tool - JSFUnit 1.0 Beta 1

JBoss is pleased to announce a community beta release of JBoss JSFUnit. JSFUnit is an open source community dedicated to testing JSF applications, based on Cactus and JUnit.

JSFUnit tests are based on JUnit and Cactus. It provides three different testing tools:
  • In-container Testing Framework This is for testing both client and server side JSF artifacts. Test scope ranges from fine-grained tests of individual classes to full-fledged integration testing of a running JSF application.
  • Framework for JSF Static Analysis Testing This allows you to test your JSF configuration so that you find config problems early.
  • JSFTimer for Performance Testing of the JSF Lifecycle This shows you how long each phase of the JSF lifecycle took for a given request. It also gives you total JSF lifecycle time. The JSFTimer allows you to write threshold tests that fail whenever a use case doesn't meet your performance standards.

JSFUnit differs from most testing tools in that it allows testing of a running JSF application. You submit a real HTTP request and then examine the real JSF artifacts such as the FacesContext and the component tree. Also, you can retrieve and examine managed beans using EL expressions. This makes it perfect for unit tests and integration tests alike. You can even look at the HTML that was returned to the client.


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