Sunday, December 9, 2007

JavaRebel 1.0 released, detects class changes for appservers

ZeroTurnaround has announced the final release of JavaRebel 1.0. JavaRebel eliminates the need for application server redeployment by instantly reloading changes to Java classes. This release contains the following improvements as compared to the first public release:
  • Simpler installation. Now to install JavaRebel on Java 5 you need only to add "-noverify -javaagent:javarebel.jar" to the command line.
  • Better performance. This especially concerns startup times and background CPU usage. Some users have reported 2-3 times faster application server startup with this version than with previous versions.
  • Improved compatibility. All major containers and frameworks are supported now and other are likely to work as well.
  • Expanded support for Java 1.4. In addition to BEA Weblogic 8.x, Oracle OC4J 9.x, 10.x and Tomcat 4.x are supported.
  • Reflection support. Methods added to classes will be properly visible via the Reflection API under Java 5+.
  • Numerous bugfixes. This release should be considerably more stable and work out-of-the-box on all supported systems.

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