Sunday, December 9, 2007

JavaRebel 1.0 released, detects class changes for appservers

ZeroTurnaround has announced the final release of JavaRebel 1.0. JavaRebel eliminates the need for application server redeployment by instantly reloading changes to Java classes. This release contains the following improvements as compared to the first public release:
  • Simpler installation. Now to install JavaRebel on Java 5 you need only to add "-noverify -javaagent:javarebel.jar" to the command line.
  • Better performance. This especially concerns startup times and background CPU usage. Some users have reported 2-3 times faster application server startup with this version than with previous versions.
  • Improved compatibility. All major containers and frameworks are supported now and other are likely to work as well.
  • Expanded support for Java 1.4. In addition to BEA Weblogic 8.x, Oracle OC4J 9.x, 10.x and Tomcat 4.x are supported.
  • Reflection support. Methods added to classes will be properly visible via the Reflection API under Java 5+.
  • Numerous bugfixes. This release should be considerably more stable and work out-of-the-box on all supported systems.

JBoss Releases JSF Testing Tool - JSFUnit 1.0 Beta 1

JBoss Releases JSF Testing Tool - JSFUnit 1.0 Beta 1

JBoss is pleased to announce a community beta release of JBoss JSFUnit. JSFUnit is an open source community dedicated to testing JSF applications, based on Cactus and JUnit.

JSFUnit tests are based on JUnit and Cactus. It provides three different testing tools:
  • In-container Testing Framework This is for testing both client and server side JSF artifacts. Test scope ranges from fine-grained tests of individual classes to full-fledged integration testing of a running JSF application.
  • Framework for JSF Static Analysis Testing This allows you to test your JSF configuration so that you find config problems early.
  • JSFTimer for Performance Testing of the JSF Lifecycle This shows you how long each phase of the JSF lifecycle took for a given request. It also gives you total JSF lifecycle time. The JSFTimer allows you to write threshold tests that fail whenever a use case doesn't meet your performance standards.

JSFUnit differs from most testing tools in that it allows testing of a running JSF application. You submit a real HTTP request and then examine the real JSF artifacts such as the FacesContext and the component tree. Also, you can retrieve and examine managed beans using EL expressions. This makes it perfect for unit tests and integration tests alike. You can even look at the HTML that was returned to the client.


Atlassian releases Crowd 1.2

Atlassian has just announced the release of Crowd 1.2. Atlassoan Crowd 1.2 is the latest version of the single sign-on and OpenID application. This release gives system administrators greater control over user permissions and additional features for use with OpenID, working with Subversion, Acegi, and more.

Crowd's new directory permissions allow finer-grained control, so that permissions can be defined per application.

Other new features in Crowd 1.2 include:

* Directory permissions per application, allowing for groups, principals and roles to be added, modified or deleted
* Group and role membership browser that includes tabs to show all principals belonging to a group
* Improved browser for OpenID that allows for easier viewing
* NTLM Support allowing users to simply log in to their desktop to access Atlassian JIRA and Atlassian Confluence
* Group-based authorization added for Subversion
* New Importer for Atlassian Bamboo Users that allows administrators to copy Bamboo users into a Crowd directory
* Acegi support authentication support with SSO.
* AppFuse 2 integration support.


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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Apache Synapse Version 1.1 now available

Apache Synapse Version 1.1

The Apache Synapse team is pleased to announce the release of its latest version 1.1. Apache Synapse is Open Source Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).

Apache Synapse offers a wide range of connectivity, including HTTP/S, JMS, (S)FTP, SOAP, WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Security. The project has been designed to allow administrators to support advanced functionality such as load-balancing, throttling, and failover without writing code.

The new Apache Synapse 1.1 release includes many enhancements based on feedback from users, including
  • Apache VFS based file transport - supports File System, FTP, SFTP, JAR, ZIP, TAR, GZIP, Mime
  • Scheduled Task support makes it simple to run repetitive tasks
  • XQuery mediator - simplifies XML transformation with the XQuery standard
  • POJO Command mediator - allows the creation of message-independent mediation logic
  • DB Report and DB Lookup mediators - support message augmentation and database logging
  • Cache and Throttle mediators/enhancements - improve performance and manage load on existing services
  • Split/Clone/Aggregate mediators - support batch processing of large messages
  • Improved logging and tracing support
With asynchronous support for HTTP and HTTPS, Apache Synapse has very high scalability under load, supporting thousands of concurrent connections even with limited threads. Combined with streaming XML support, Apache Synapse has class-leading performance results.

Visit Apache Synapse website at


SymmetricDS 1.0.0 Released

Symetric DS is full featured open source Databases Synchroziner

Symetric DS has announced the release of version 1.0.0 today. SymmetricDS is full featured web based and database independent software to synchronize and replicate the database.

SymmetricDS is open source (LGPL), web-enabled, database independent, data synchronization software. It uses web and database technologies to replicate tables between relational databases in near real time. The software was designed to scale for a large number of databases, work across low-bandwidth connections, and withstand periods of network outage.

  • Data Channels - Table synchronizations are grouped into independent channels
  • Guaranteed Delivery - Synchronized data is guaranteed to arrive at the target destination. If a synchronization fails, the same batch of data will be retried until it succeeds or manual intervention is taken. All other data synchronization is halted for the failed channel only.
  • Transaction Aware - Data updates are recorded and replayed with the same atomicity
  • Centralized Configuration - All configuration is downloaded from a central registration server
  • Multiple Deployment Options - Standalone engine, web application, embedded software component
  • Data Filtering and Rerouting - Allows for localized passwords and sensitive data filtering/routing
  • HTTP Transport - Pluggable transport defaults to Representation State Transfer (REST-style) HTTP services
  • Payload Compression - Optionally compresses data on transport
  • Notification Schemes - Push (trickle-back data) or Pull (trickle-poll data) changes
  • Symmetric Data Protocol - A fast streaming data format that is easy to generate, parse, and load
  • Plug-In API - Add customizations through extensions and plug-in points
  • Two-Way Table Synchronization - The same table can be synchronized both to and from the host system while avoiding update loops
  • Database Versioning - Specify data synchronization by version of target database
  • Auto Database Creation - Optionally allow creating and upgrading of database schema
  • Embeddable - Small enough to embed or bootstrap within another application (i.e. a POS application)
  • Multiple Schemas - Supports multiple database schemas naturally through the existence of Data Channels
  • Primary Key Updates - Captures the "before" and "after" data being changed, allowing updates to primary key data
  • Remote Management - Administration through a Java Management Extensions (JMX) console
  • Remote Database Administration - SQL can be delivered and run at remote databases via the synchronization infrastructure
  • Initial Data Load - Prepare the satellite database with an initial or recovery load of data
Visit to download the software.


OpenJFX - an open source JavaFX Community


The OpenJFX project is a community to share early versions of JFX Scripting Language and collaborate develops the scripting language.

There is a plan to open source JFX code in near future.

What is Java FX?

JavaFx is new product from Sun for developing high impact Rich Internet applications in Java technology. This product is targeting Rich Internet Applications market and supposes to be one of the best products for constructing enterprise grade RI applications.

Features of JavaFX Scripting Language:

  • JavaFx Script is a declarative, statically typed programming language
  • It has first-class functions, declarative syntax, list-comprehensions, and incremental dependency-based evaluation.
  • JavaFx Scripts can make direct calls to Java API's that are on the platform
  • Can be used to deliver dynamic Interactive content on Any Device
  • Can be used to write one and run anywhere applications

So, get ready to learn JavaFx to develop next generation Rich Internet applications. I will post more tutorials and examples in near future.

Open JFx project home page:


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Java Tutorials and Examples for every one


Java is most popular language. I am fan of Java Technology. I am using Java for the last 10 years to develop large and small applications. If you are planning for learn Java, get yourself prepared for hard work. Anyone can become good programmer in a months time.

So, if you really want to learn Java fast then visit and start learning it. is one of best website to learn java. Course and examples provided here are free and most importantly appropriate code are available for download.

You can learn the technology and then practice using examples codes provided there.

Happy learning Java